o_O ™

Hello, or bonjour? I'm not even sure what to say anymore. Words don't seems to have meaning.

I'm Jordann, and I'm a person. Nice to meet you. More than likely, if you're reading this, you already know who I am. More than likely, if you call yourself by the name of Logan, Kristen, Frany, or Nicole, you're thinking, "You're so gay." Regardless, for those exempt of that thought, hello- or bonjour?

In roughly 5 months from now, I'll be leaving. Leaving wet water beds and cigarettes, Webkinz and Ninja-spice. Leaving Logan, Kristen, Frany, and Nicole (my best friends-in case you're lost), and midnight walks around the block. Walks to Wal*Mart and Frick Park. Walks to train trestles with paranoia. From the "home of the brave" to the homeland of french fries? I don't have a euphemism for Belgium, but that makes it all the better. I'm "exploring the unknown." You know, I would, since I'm the "brave" one. Tough. Iron man. But I feel like I'm made of glass. Slowly cracking, soon to shatter. Though, once I leave, I'll be made of iron once again.

Shouldn't it be the opposite? I just can not wait to relieve myself of this stress, purely based on one corrupted force: money. I need $5,000 to not worry. I have $2,000- I'm worrying. All I seem to do is work, work, work. Money this, money that. Can't we just earn global perspective as youth ambassadors free of cost? The dollar has no significance to me, though it has such significance to society. Why must we live by the guidelines of money? I thought humans had the brains. But we're controlled, in the "land of the free".

Nonetheless, "broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all of one's lifetime", so I must travel before I can have such opinions. Mark Twain knows best.

Well, hello- or bonjour?
I forgot that people may actually be reading this, so
just to make my Virginia Woolf-esque rambles clear, next year, from August 2010-July 2011 I'll be a Rotary Youth exchange student from the United States to French Belgium. For which I have the utmost gratitude, Rotary Youth Exchange is probably the least expensive program any student could ever participate in. All you have to pay for is airfare, insurance, and other minor needs. Compared to most programs that cost around $10,000, the need to make $5,000 should seem like nothing. But to make it completely on my own is no small task.

I actually made a graph that hangs above my desk in my room. Branded across the top is the single word: BELGIQUE! Every time I make money I scribble with a blue high-lighter a little higher on the bar of the month. Last time I heightened the February bar to $2,000. Now I just have to work on March. Though, with my new job at Pizza Hut and revenue from businesses and family members coming in, I finally feel like I'm making progress. Slowly but surely.

But it's probably about time for me to leave and do something constructive. Like Chemistry homework. Oh, the wonderful life of an American teenager gone global.

I'll just remember to scribble it down here so you don't miss a moment.

Yes, that was cheezy.

or au revoir?


Logan April 24, 2010 at 3:45 PM  

i'm going to miss you, bitch.

Anonymous November 12, 2010 at 8:05 AM  

Logan Marie !! :0

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this is a blog

that you may find profound, deviant, or insipid.

It may teach you, inspire you and leave you lost in thought; or it may bore you and cause your eyes to drag slowly shut.

You may read it for an hour, or maybe not at all.

Maybe you'll get to know me, maybe in ways I don't even know me.

I left the United States in August 2010 as a Rotary exchange student. I'll leave Belgium in July 2011 as Jordann.

about me

My photo
Braine-l'Alleud, Belgium
I follow the sun.
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